Teaching & Non Teaching Faculty and PG Students

Department facility / Infrastructure

General Facilities:

Nomenclature Amphibian Lab Mammalian Lab. Haematology Lab. Clinical Physiology Lab. Demo.room Seminar Room Research lab. Yoga Lab
Size (Area) 150 m2 63.7m2 150m2 60.9m2 54.6m2 30.14m2 50.6m2 40 m2

Office Space:

Nomenclature Dept. Office Professor / Head of the Dept. Professors Associate Professor Assistant Professor Tutors Non-Teaching Staff
Size (Area) 15.80m2 20m2 20m2 20m2 20m2 20.70m2 15 m2


Important Equipments
Digital Physiograph
Langen Dorth for Mammalian Exp
Mosso’s ergograph
Med Spiror


Research Lab
Physiograph – single channel 4
Physiograph – 2 channel 1
Physiograph – 4 channel 1
Bicycle ergograph 1
Mosso’s ergograph 1
Digital pH meter 1
Langendroff’s Mamallian heart perfusion assembly 1
High speed kymograph 1
Operation table (mammalian) 1
Respiration pump 1
Dale’s organ bath 6
Student’s kymograph 6
Benedict Roth’s apparatus 1
ECG machine 1
Tread mill 1
Computerized spirometer 1
Modified Wright’s peak flow meter 1
Ophthalmoscope 1


Physiograph, 3 channels, complete with accessories
Physiograph, single channel, with accessories
Centrifuge, high speed with technometer etc.
Calorimeter, photo-electric
pH meter, electric
Refrigerator, 9-10c ft.
Oxygen Cylinder with trolley
Co cylinder with trolley
Electronic stimulator
Water distillation still, with spare heating elements
All glass distillation apparatus double stage
Voltage stabilizer
Stepdown transformers
Thermometers, balances, microslides and glassware


Varnishing outfit, for long and short papers
Smoking outfit, with fume cupboard
Operation table
Dale’s bath for internal organ
Volume recorders
kymographs-Brodie-Starling complete with respiration pump, motor time marker manometer etc.
Surgical instruments for operative procedures, syringes, pulleys, etc.
Isolated Organs. Bath for students complete with liver etc.
Venus and arterial canula (different sizes) (each)
Mary’s Tambour
Animal Weighing Machine, for small and big animals (for each)
EXPERIMENTS Large extension
Anaesthesia boxes.


Microscopes, Oil immersion (6+6)
Double Demonstration eye piece 3
Stage incubator 1
Wastergen’s Pipettes for E.S.R. on Stand (with space pipettes)
Perimeter Priestly Smith S/LP.984 B & T
Demonstrations eye piece 3
Douglas bag, complete
Stethoscopes, Demonstration with Multipleear pieces
Venus Pressure apparatus
Spirometer, Ordinary
Gas analysis apparatus, Haldane’s students type
Van Slyko’s apparatus manometric
Gas analyzer – automatic for CO2, O2, N2
Basal metabolism apparatusa
Haemogiobinometer, Sahil or hellige (with spaces)
Erogograph Mosse’s
Clinical thermometer
Apparatus for passive movement
Knee hammer
Bicycle ergometer
Schematic eye
Perimeters, with charts
Colour percetion lantern Edridge Green
Maddox rod
Newtons colour wheel
Tuning forks to test hearing 32-10,000 cps (sets)
Steriliser Electric
Instrument trolley
Stop watches



Area of Department Library:     30m2

No. of Books Available:

            Central Library:     582

            Departmental Library:     108 


Area No. of Specimens Charts/Diagrams
25 m2 8 141




  1. Imtiaz Ali, Vikram Gowda. Correlation of BMI to HRV in young halthy male subjects. Volume 4, Issue 2, July-Dec 2016, 189-194
  2. Punya Chandran, Vikram Gowda, Remony George. Association of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Disease and Hepatic Enzyme Levels – A case Control Study. JMSCR Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2016, 11549-11551
  3. Neethu Elemma Jimson, Vikram Gowda NR, Remony George. Arneth Count In Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle in the Age Group 18- 22 Yrs. JMSCR Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2016, 11457-11460
  4. Gaddam VL, Gowda V, Vaidyanathan K. Comparison of the effectiveness of horizontal integration with traditional teaching approach in first-year MBBS students. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2016; Volume 5, Issue 7: 1360-1363
  5. Gowda V, Philip KM. Abdominal volume index and conicity index in predicting metabolic abnormalities in young women of different socioeconomic class. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2016;5(7): 1452-1456
  6. Varghese A, Libu GK, Kumar NS, Devi VS. A Physiological assessment of mean QRS axis in an Indian sub-population using two methods of axis calculation. Int J Clin Exp Physiol 2015; Volume2, Issue 2, 115-8
  7. Chitra Kuriakose, Sebastian Abraham, Manjula V.D, V.S Sumadevi, Annamma Kurien. Age related changes of GFR in a population of Kerala. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare, Volume 2, Issue 3, August 24, 2015, 5226-5231
  8. Anne Varghese, GK Libu, N Sudhaya Kumar, VS Sumadevi. A hospital-based prospective study on analysis of axis deviation in patients with first attck of interior wall myocardial infarction. Int J Clin Exp Physiol 2015 Volume 2, Issue 3, 169-175
  9. Anand David Saldanha, Sherin Billy Abraham, Vikram Gowda NR, Rajeev Aravindakshan. Quality of life among individuals with chronic Physical conditions. International Journal of Medical & Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, 246-254
  10. Sri Harsha H, Dennis Varghese Thomas, Vikram Gowda NR, Jiyo Chacko. Anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous extract of aloe vera leaves. Pushpagiri Medical Journal Vol 7(1).December,2015, 39-42
  11. Babitha B K, Vikram Gowda N R. Effect of yogasanas on lung function tests in employees exposed to plastic tank industrial chemicals. Pushpagiri Medical Journal vol6 (2). Jan 2015,89-92
  12. Gopinathan Pillai, Amrutha Mary Zachariah.A case of Laryngeal hematoma following a RTA. . Pushpagiri Medical Journal vol5 (2). Jan 2014
  13. Dennis Varghese Thomas, Vikram Gowda N R. Profile of seizure disorder presenting in tertiary care hospital. Pushpagiri Medical Journal vol6 (1). Dec 2014,32-35
  14. Reena Thomas, Vikram Gowda N R. Circadian variation of blood pressure in normotensive & hypertensive subjects. Pushpagiri Medical Journal vol6 (1). July-Dec 2014, 8 to 10
  15. Ramesh Bhat, Ganaraja B, Meenu S, Nayanatara AK and Deviprasad S. A study of correlation of Anthropometric parameters and heart rate variability among medical students in South India.  Vol-4, Issue-2, April-June-2013. 160-165
  16. Ramesh Bhat, Meenu S, Nayanatara AK, Deviprasad S, and Ganaraja B. A study of correlation of Anthropometric parameters and MNA score between young and elderly people. IJIRSET, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2013 pp 3372-3376
  17. Vikram Gowda, Girish Karmarkar. Correlation of Heart rate variability analysis to Blood pressure indices in young healthy subjects. Pushpagiri Medical Journal 2012, vol 3 (2) pp 103-107

 Research projects utilizing Dept research Lab:

  • Comparison of blood pressure in arm, cuff and ankle of young healthy subjects – by Dr. Anju S A
  • EEG pattern in children with autism spectrum disorders – by Dr Nissy S V
  • Correlation of Blood pressure with Body mass index in hemodialysis patients – by Dr.Vikram G
  • Role of stress and self esteem in academic performance of medical students – by Dr.Vikram G
  • Comparison of Valsalva manoeuvre and ball compression in hemodialysis patients – by Dr. Meenu S
  • Intradialytic hypertension- a prospective interventional study – by Dr. Meenu S
  • The New Oxford MEST scoring system in Ig A nephropathy and the effect of low dose steroid with mycophenolate miofetyl in treatment of Ig A nephropathy – by Dr. Meenu S
  • Correlation of Vitamin D Levels with various anthropometric measurements in young population- by Dr. Amrutha M Z

Services available by the Department

  1. Cardiology services :  ECG, Heart Rate Variability (Computerized machine),Hand Grip Dynamometer, non-invasive BP Recorder
  2. Respiratory Services:  Computerized Spirometry, PFTs, Peak Flow Meter, BMR etc.
  3. Autonomic Function Tests
  4. Neurology:  EEG, Nerve Conduction Studies, Evoked Potential Studies (P300), VEP, BERA etc.
  5. Investigative facilities like Nerve conduction, EMG (4-8 channels) etc.
  6. YOGA Lab.